About Us
The revolution by Dr. Harish Patankar…
A Journey towards evidence based Ayurveda.
Our mission is to blend Ancient Ayurveda & Modern Technology together.Our objective is to give complete hair & skin care solutions to all.We are establishing hair treatment and sample collection centers all over India.To grow your practice in this competitive era, one needs the latest technology & ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
Our motto is to give good results through accurate diagnosis via latest technology and software based report system & specialized treatments using modern equipment's without changing the basic principles of Ayurveda.
Our Specialities
- One stop solution for all your hair and skin problem.
- Accurate diagnosis and perfect treatment.
- Complete Scalp Analysis, Photography, Microscopic Testing as well as HQ (Hair Quotient ) and HP (Hair Prakruti ) analysis.
- Authentic Ayurvedic treatment from team of expert doctors like Ayurvedacharya’s, Cosmetologist’s, Trichologist’s.
- Wide range of hair and skin care herbal products.